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Making A Difference – Introducing Our Honor Roll Society
Communities In School of Jacksonville has been working hard to help the students of Jacksonville since 1990. In more than two decades of operation, we have successfully helped more than 110,000 students to overcome a range of challenges ad difficulties in their lives. Many of our students have faced serious issues in their lives such…
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After School Advantages – How Our Free After School Programs Work
Here at Communities In School of Jacksonville, we understand that often times the most difficult times for students are those away from the classroom. When students are in school, they can enjoy a safe environment where they can learn at their own pace. Being in school also allows students to be in a better routine,…
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After School Advantages – 3 Benefits Of After School Programs In Jacksonville, FL
After-school programs in Jacksonville, FL can be hugely beneficial for students who are facing different challenges. One in four children under the age of eighteen lives in poverty and faces issues such as racial inequality, hunger, homelessness, and a range of different mental health challenges. However, help for students in Jacksonville, FL is available and…
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Bank of America Student Leader Katherine Carlo Summer Reflection
Bank of America’s Student Leaders program helps connect 225 community-minded high school juniors and seniors to employment, skills development and service. Partnerships with Communities In Schools of Jacksonville gives these young people a path for success and creates thriving local communities that champion opportunities for the next generation.This reflection was written by our Summer 2017 Bank…
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A Three Pronged Approach to Reducing the Dropout Rate
As recently as 2009, just 55.8 percent of Duval County students graduated high school. Today, the graduation rate is 72.1 percent, according to the Florida Department of Education. This substantial improvement is largely a result of the work of Communities In Schools of Jacksonville, a nonprofit organization that places educators and other professionals directly in…